monday. ate my way around kreuzberg with holly...sleepy cheese and olives at simitdchi, goat cheese and bread from the kaiser, olives at that little olive place around the corner from simitdchi, something chocolate at a turkish bakery...discussed cryptospeak and livejournal and other intellectual stumbling blocks. I LOVE FOUCAULT. and gold.
question of the day: what would foucault do?
school, came home and chilled, went to the plenum at xb and found out that holly´s room has evil mushrooms growing in the walls so we found a room on the first floor complete with wardrobe and toy car sheets and chalky walls. stayed up late late late, went out to xberg around 1 or so and walked down köpenicker observing the reichlich signs. (GEIZ GEIZ GEIZ) then h caught her train to amsterdam (despite much stress and confusion about times and asshole taxi drivers) and i went back to xb and craaaaashed. the train was lonely and sleepy and video camera surveillance-d. it´s interesting which thoughts i summon for comfort.
slept late and missed class. chilled out in front of xb smoking fags with two kids from the hague (berry and a woman whose name i don´t remember) and then took the danish girls (atlanta and sophie) and the dutch kids to xberg to go to overkill and eat makkali sandwiches. my tour consisted mostly of pointing out street art. picked up the replacement expensive cologne for egbert (RRRRRRR fucking yves st laurent bulllllshit) and then came home and informed them i was moving...looks like i´ll get some rent money back, which is good. went back to the xb to help quasi move shit out of the basement; physical labour is a good feeling and i ended up fucking filthy. we had to find places to dump the random shit (dirt, wood, etc.) and dodge the police who came to rigaer 94 to question them about a bar. both xb and rig94 are fighting eviction. suckfest. there was a jam session at xb that i caught part of and played table fussball with some people...met a cool guy, christian, who bought me a beer who i almost understood but not enough to answer back which was frustrating. went to bed around 2.
today, thursday.
woke up late and rushed to there around 11. we have a new teacher, a woman who wears these long sheer dress-shirts and has unreadable supergerman handwriting and had us fill out forms for a "singles urlaub match-up game" and then discuss our collective vacation fantasies and choose 9 objects (total) to take with us...we decided to go to cuba and south america and take guitar strings and surf boards and books. then we split up into groups to fight with each other (as instructed). post-class i bought some bread and fruit, ran into ben the cool london boy, had a cigarette with a turkish guy with a sweeeeet bike he built himself at the fruit´s gratifying to be able to mostly speak to people in german and i feel not so far from being able to actually converse about nonmundanities.
and now i´m off to check out the urban affairs graffiti event and maybe the pergamon or museum of fotographie many options, so little time, no fucking money. woot woot woot.
Xiang received named professorship!
3 months ago
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