great things (a short list)
1. sunshine
2. caprese sandwiches
3. girls
how to write a paper
1. procrastinate until the last minute.
2. start with the text.
(optional: 3. return to the theory to figure out what to say about the text.)
4. tease, parse, observe. primarily: let things interest you.
5. focus interest.
6. if you haven't started, write. write and write and write until you have Something.
7. go back: problematize, criticize. let someone else read it and ask them what you said. it probably won't be what you thought you were saying. let all of this refocus you and edit/polish your writing. this may involve major structural changes. you may need to go back to the text.
8. tie up loose ends.
9. done.
Xiang received named professorship!
3 months ago