Berlin is tiring me out...I´m in one of those exhausted grooves...not sure whether I need more sleep or less sleep, less food and more living.
Today I´m erring on the side of sleep first, live a little later at night.
what have I been up to the past few days...
thursday: discussed women in leadership positions and more typical man/typical woman stuff in school, went to pay my ticket at kleistpark and it turned out that since i just have an umweltsmonatkarte and not a personalausweisekarte or whatever i´m supposed to pay 40 euros...fuck that. went to simitdchi for a few hours and asked about a job (maybe) and drank mint tea...ended up talking to a lebanese guy about email addresses. he offered to find me a cheaper one-bedroom apartment in kreuzberg but i really prefer having roommates, esp. while traveling. went over to mimi´s, got sick, came home.
friday: test in school (essay on women in leadership positions), then went out to lunch (REAL italian pizza...) with a bunch of people from school, then wandered through the bayrischer platz in schöneberg photographing an exhibit of street signs featuring oppressive rules about jewish people from the 40s. came home and then fell asleep before i was planning to go out...woke up at 3 a.m., then went back to sleep.
saturday: tried to go to flea market at moritzplatz but it didn´t exist; walked over to gallery on lindenstraße (between kochstraße and moritzplatz) and kept boarding in the wrong sense of direction is almost unfailingly inaccurate. the gallery was tiny and i didn´t have enough energy to go to the berlinische gallerie nearby, so i came back to alexanderplatz and sat on a couch set up on the platz and listened to the german dyke rock...fell asleep for a while...and now i´m home for a nap before heading out to party, meet, mingle, drink, etc.
Xiang received named professorship!
3 months ago