whew i´ve been spaced out about which day of the week it is...i was sure yesterday was saturday (it turned out to be sunday) and i slept in today...
so let me straighten it out for myself...and you...
sunday: woke up late; charlotte helped me/showed me how to change a tire and patch the inner tube on snail. dirty dirty dirty. the party at quƤlgeist was only letting people in between 3 and 4 but when the tire was back on, it turned out there was another slow leak and so i took the ubahn and got to mehringdamm at 4:45. i knocked unsucessfully and sat outside the door for 5 minutes smoking a cigarette until someone happened to come out and i went in. met a german girl and we spoke--in german--about hierarchies in anarchist scenes and how the gay/lesbian scene differs from the queer scene in berlin and s&m experiences...my german failed me often but it was still pretty sweet...then i flew. then we ate gummi bears. came back home, chilled out outside for some hours; met a guy who told me secrets of the world.
saturday: woke up late, went out with berry & jenna to follow the hanfparade along unter den linden and friedrichstraĆe and finally ran into it at potsdamer platz after eating thai food and gelato from the p.platz arkaden...grapefruit gelato is fucking delicious. looots of polizei in riot gear/with big bomb-like vests and lots of guns and sticks and radios. of course there was no weed. walked to brandenburger tor to see anna but no luck. i moved the rest of my stuff out of my alex apartment and got some rent money back. came back home and chilled outside for hours and hours...walked with charlotte to sherni (?) to get SNAIL my new sexy fast black bike. so i name it snail which kind of sounds like "schnell." interesting encounter with christian, my foozball buddy. walked into my room at 11 mid-"party" and lie down and went to bed.
friday: mmm...test at school, think i did okay. moved stuff from alex apartment, when i got home julia was in my room. she was on her way out and i guess had been staying there...was upset, we ate pesto and bread and smoked cigarettes and drank tea and then drew on the walls. the room is much better now. and the wall by my bed reads "in the bronze chamber, faced with the silent handkerchief of the strangler, hope is faithful to me; in the river of delights, panic has not failed me." borges gives me shivers. julia took off later, i chilled out at the xb with anna and berry and jenna and etc. and went to bed around 3 or so.
Xiang received named professorship!
3 months ago